Feed a family of 4 and pay for a child’s education from 5th grade through high school for $100.
A female gost is given to the child. The child is taught how to care for the goat. The goat has kids. The child is taught how to raise the kids and sell some off for money. the female goat now produces milk. The milk is sold and consumed by the family. As long as the goat is cared for, after 3 years, it will support a family of four. Plus, as long as the child has the goat, their education is paid for.
REFER!!! From NOW through November, I am accepting all new patients for $100. That is $115 saving for those you refer!!! All of the first visit fee goes to fund this project.
I nned to see 100 new patients to help 100 children. the goal is to send $10,000 to Ghana before Christmas. help me make this happen.
I have supported this out reach for the past 16 years. It changes lives in ways you can’t imagine. Please help me make this a reality.