
In my presentation, Practical Philosophy, I trace the ideas and thoughts from these two philosophers all the way to DD Palmer, the founder of Chiropractic. The Chiropractic profession’s history and foundation are ridiculously wealthy in philosophy.

Toxic Fear

I am sure you have encounter moments in your life where the pieces fall together in ways you never could have imagined. That doesn’t happen too often for me. When it does – WOW!  For the past 11 years I have been teaching on “negative” fears. The points were sound and the presentation was fine, […]

The Boy Who Walked Again

What would it be like to be an elderly person caring for a seven-year-old child that was unable to walk or feed himself, go to the bathroom, and only wail all day long? Can you imagine the emotional and physical turmoil you would face every day? How would you be able to get anything done? […]

The Two Men

In the late 1990’s, two friends stood outside of one of New York’s skyscrapers feeling elated, exhausted, powerful, and humble. It was a strange mix of emotions that was enviable after letting something to that you have poured your life into for the last twenty-some years. “Let’s grab dinner,” said Paul. “Are we gonna do […]

Who’s Right? Who’s Wrong?

Some of you may be aware there is a heated debate. On one side you have the “old school” thinkers who have always done things their way. And on the other side, you have, what are being labeled as, revisionist. I recently watched two people I respect get into to a heated online debate with […]

Life is the expression of tone

Life is the expression of tone. But first… Don’t miss the Scoliosis Support Group – BENT. Wednesday, Sept. 26 @ 7:30. RSVP Goodies from McLain’s Bakery. All are welcome. Discover Chiropractic Celebration all September. For established patients, FREE adjustments on Chiropractic’s Birthday, Sept. 18th. All new patients save $130 on their first visit all […]

4 Topics

4 New Patients Per Week Some of you know that I was accepting very few new patients for nearly a year. With the conclusion of my missions work and wrapping up the books I have been writing, I now have much more time to provide the type of care patients deserve. My practice is now […]

A Pop Toe What?

A Pop Toe What?   In my efforts to educate and inform, a question was asked last week about how we age. I mentioned the term apoptosis and was greeted with a blank stare. In the science of health there are many strange words. This is one of them.   Apoptosis  is programmed cell death. […]

Your Sixth Sense

Proprioception: The ability to sense stimuli arising within the body regarding position, motion, and equilibrium. Brain-receives and interprets information from all body inputs and crafts the proper response. Vestibular organs in the inner ear send information about rotation, acceleration, and position. Eyes send visual information. Stretch receptors in skin, muscles, and joints send information about the position […]

Identity vs. Personality

Today’s topic gets right at the heart of what it means to be foundationally sound with who you are. This is a critical component to being able to claim health and ease in your life. I hope you have either wrestled with this one already or are up to tackling this challenge in your life […]