From Ignorance to Bliss
I have been traveling across the country teaching Chiropractic Students what it actually takes to run a business. Each group moves through three distinct stages during the day: cocky, shocked, and aware. I like to think of it as fairy tale land when they arrive. They have heard many stories from the stage from chiropractors […]
A Shot of Freedom.
Generating a story is not new. Creating a crisis out of an event is as old as time. In our society’s conspicuous consumption of information (with little digestion), the pressure is always on to gin-up something tantalizing and scary. Today’s media blitz is focused on how dangerous people are who are not vaccinated are. I […]
My latest video.
The Stone Wall
Let me share a story with you. Many years ago a man built several dry-stack stone walls at his house. These mortar-less barricades were dynamic and shifted with each passing season. A young child walking across or jumping from them or perhaps “discovering” the perfect rock needed for his fort took its toll as well. […]
The Boy Who Walked Again
What would it be like to be an elderly person caring for a seven year old child who was unable to walk or feed himself, go to the bathroom and only wail all day long? Can you imagine the emotional and physical turmoil you would face every day? How would you be able to get […]
Being Receptive
Wow! I have been so overwhelmed by recent testimonials that have been shared with me. Little notes, messages, emails, and hand-written notes have come my way. Why? I really don’t know. It must be time for me to receive. Think about that for a moment. What does it mean to receive with open arms? The […]
Finding Freedom
I have received numerous inquiries from many of you wondering what has happened to my emails? Quite simply, I have been very busy. What have I been doing? Well, I have rewritten curriculums for Life University’s business program and the chiropractic technique I utilize, Mastering Chiropractic with Certainty. I have been teaching fledgling Chiropractic students across […]
Pink, Ice, and Death
This is one of my posts that will certainly stir the pot. I have a simple way of evaluating trends, fads, or actions in the world. I attempt to live my life and make my decisions based on my principles. My principles are formed from 1. My relationship with God, 2. Natural law, 3. A […]
A Mountain Retreat
It is time. It is time for something remarkable. Something tangible . Something REAL!!! I am going to be offering two events this fall in the Sangre De Cristo mountains at Hermit Basin Resort. One is a Weekend Intensive for chiropractors and their staff. It will run Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch. I will announce […]
How Do We Live?
So now the rubber meets the road. How do we live? Do we abandon traditional medicine and the “hyper-mechanistic” culture we now live in? Do we blend vitalism and mechanism into a quasi health care/ sick care approach to living? Or do we go with the culture and surrender decisions to the next most-important drug […]