
Who’s Right? Who’s Wrong?

Some of you may be aware there is a heated debate. On one side you have the “old school” thinkers who have always done things their way. And on the other side, you have, what are being labeled as, revisionist. I recently watched two people I respect get into to a heated online debate with both sides throwing their accusations and facts.

Frankly, I’m sick of it. I hate the discord. It does nothing to bring us together and ends up becoming a distraction from daily life.

Oh, I never mentioned what I am talking about. I suppose I should.

No, it has nothing to do with politics, nominations, or new airport terminals. But, it has EVERYTHING to do with you.

The raging debate is over numbers; over 300% or 225% (224.6%).

Which is right?

The old school camp stands behind the “over 300%” and the young whippersnappers are advocating for 224.6%.

How much does the average person’s immune system increase its function after an adjustment if the person is “sick?” Now you see how it is related to you. Now you see why this is somewhat important. I say somewhat because all you really care about is the HUGE bump you get in immune function by getting adjusted.

So, calling in to cancel your appointment because you are “sick” is the exact opposite of what you should be doing – if you want to get well. If you can’t physically get up and drive, I will come to you. Yes, I still do house calls.

I bring this up now because as seasons change so do our bodies, our biome, and our microflora which typically leads to an increase in people feeling ill. So, if you have bronchitis or the flu, allergies or a sore throat, get checked to see if you are subluxated. Remember, your nervous system controls EVERYTHING in your body – even your immune system. If you are subluxated, your body struggles to control your internal environment so that it can handle all of the external stressors – viruses, bacteria, allergens, and so much more.

Just so you know, I fall into the over 300% camp. Chiropractic played a part in me surviving the deadliest form of malaria. I bet it can help you too. But if all we get is 224.6%, that’s not half bad either.

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