Life is the expression of tone.
But first…
- Don’t miss the Scoliosis Support Group – BENT. Wednesday, Sept. 26 @ 7:30. RSVP Goodies from McLain’s Bakery. All are welcome.
- Discover Chiropractic Celebration all September. For established patients, FREE adjustments on Chiropractic’s Birthday, Sept. 18th. All new patients save $130 on their first visit all month long.
- Finally, thanks to those that provided either a testimony or how you feel after you are adjusted. Look for those to appear in the next few weeks’ emails.
Most of you don’t know that I am a tonal-based chiropractor. You just know that I do things differently. Tonal chiropractic is as old as the profession. In fact, DD Palmer, the genius who founded the profession, wrote:
“Life is the expression of tone. In that sentence is the basic principle of Chiropractic. Tone is the normal degree of nerve tension. Tone is expressed in function by normal elasticity, activity, strength, and excitability of the various organs, as observed in a state of health.” The Chiropractor’s Adjuster 1910, p7
I said that I do things differently. That is true in the contemporary sense. If you were to visit 100 chiropractors in the Kansas City area, you would find that I am one-of-a-kind. If you were to go back in time to when my father first opened his practice, 50 years ago, you would see a much different landscape of the profession. 90 of the chiropractors you would interview would do what I do. What’s changed?
Over the past 123 years, chiropractic has entered the phase where the current generation is not connected to its ancestry. We are now in the 4th generation of chiropractors. The 3rd generation failed to share the stories, teach what their forbearers did and what they had to endure. The profession is now in danger of being absorbed by “average” and “normal” health care. That is so revolting to me. Who wants average or normal? As a friend of mine, who is a MD recently commiserated, “I have become relegated to doing the bidding of the insurance companies, not what the patient really needs.”
I want to deliver extraordinary and individualized care. I want to do exactly what you need each and every visit. I want to adjust so that you are in proper tone, where your tension is not too tight or too loose. I want you to have harmony in your life. I want your life to be radiant.
That’s what makes me unique. In our health care landscape, where everything looks like a suburban development of spec homes that are cookie cutter in style and function, I have always provided true, timeless, and traditional chiropractic – the type of care you should expect and deserve.
No two people are the same. No two people need the same adjustment. No two people’s nervous system expresses its tone the same way. When I adjust subluxations, it is my responsibility to determine exactly what your body needs at that moment in time. Which, is certainly different than adding some motion to a “stuck” part of the spine. That’s manipulation. I will never manipulate you.That flies in the face of my ethics and morals.
So, let us celebrate the amazing song of life you express when your individualized and majestic tone is expressed in your life.
Now is the time to refer as I celebrate Chiropractic’s birthday this month. Everyone you refer will save $130 on their first visit. This only happens one month a year. Call today to schedule your appointment. 913-334-7340.