I’m going to address “battling” internal oppression, today, and external, tomorrow. Internal battles can last longer than the Cold War! You are battling yourself. What a paradox we live when we allow ourselves to war with self. Is there such a thing as victory in this aggression with you? Thankfully there is.
This battle reminds me of the following quote, “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do – this I keep on doing.” Doesn’t the nail down the internal struggle? That quote comes from the book of Romans. This internal struggle is a manufactured war of ideas. How do we go to battle against ourselves when we are already at war?
It is straightforward but very challenging. We must identify the lies, beliefs, and behaviors that are the source of our internal struggle. I didn’t say it was easy. In fact, determining those things can be a real challenge.
Lies are hard because to be believable they have a grain or hint of truth in them. That little kernel is seductive enough to create a desire in us to consume it. Unfortunately, the rest of it is poison. Discerning lies you have believed requires light. Truth shines in the light. Lies flee from it. Lies haunt. Truth reveals. Look, I’m not saying that truth is easy to hear, accept, or even understand at times. But truth sets you free.
Turn up the light in your life to expose the lies.
As far as beliefs are concerned, we have erroneous beliefs due to our principles, philosophies, and core values being built on sand instead of bedrock. I’m going to illustrate this point by using an Ayn Rand quote. Like her or not as an author and thinker, she is dead right on this one:
“As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation – or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes, doubts and fears, thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight: self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind’s wings should have grown.”
If we don’t know why we believe what we believe, we are at the will and whims of emotionalism. We haven’t tested our principles in the crucible of fire to see what is left. If it withstands the heat, our beliefs will be more refined and pure than ever! If not, they get consumed in the fire.
As you might know, I coach and consult with new chiropractors. I spend the first two months on this very topic because it is vital they have a solid foundation to grow their life, practice, and success on. Take the time and define, understand, and refine your beliefs.
This fall, I will be doing a month-long seminar series for YOU on identifying your principles, philosophies on life, and core values. Look for the registration. You will LOVE IT. It could change your life.
Our behaviors are an outward and visible sign of our internal status. Our behaviors never lie over time. We can say all the right words, but if we don’t live it out in our life, it is a contradiction. The greater the contradiction, the greater the potential for failure or destruction. People who have experienced abuse are generally told that they are loved by their abuser. But that is followed up with a strike to the face. That’s not love! That is hate and manipulation. Behavior never lies when our words can.
Identifying areas in your life where your words don’t meet your actions is a vulnerable proposition because you might have to ask a few close friends if they can identify moments when you do this.
The battleground is your mind. Your weapons to do battle with are truth and transparency. The moment you want to retreat and return to your old ways, you shine the light of truth on it, and you will see that what you were running from is much smaller than you initially thought. This is a phase of learning a new pattern in your life. That can be hard. You have to find a strength you didn’t have before. If not, you can retract and go with what you have always done. No longer! Now, stand firm and take it. Sure, sometimes it will hurt. After all, you might be pretty weak because you have never exercised these muscles of confidence, peace, and certainty before. You know what? You might even lose a battle or two. But persist!
By taking these steps and going to war against those things that are wrong brings a genuine love into your life. A love that is not haughty, proud, or arrogant. This love is an example for others to find freedom. If you will allow me to turn a phrase, make war so you can have love.
Tomorrow, we discuss how to do battle with external forces.