Donate to the Epik Missions trips to Uganda and Ghana



Please donate to the 2014 Epik Missions trips to Africa. I have been given an amazing opportunity this year to serve in the children’s prisons in Uganda. Last year I was only able to serve in one prison. This year I will be able to serve in six. These children are between the ages of two and twelve. They have no family, no freedom, and no hope. When I was there last year, I made remarkable connections with these children and was able to serve in a way they have never experienced. I was safe. I wasn’t going to harm them. My hands were used to help them and not bring pain or suffering. I must raise $10,000 for this year’s trip. Time is short. I leave April 25th and must have the funds raised by April 20th so that they can be in-country by the time I arrive. I am asking for 100 people to donate $100, but any amount is helpful. If you would like to send a check, make it payable to me. The address it can be sent to is 3487 Medallion Road  Castle Rock, CO 80104. If you would like to use a credit/debit card or PayPal account, simply click on the button above.

I cannot stress how important this year’s trip is for me and the children. The theme for this year’s trip is taken from 1 Thessalonians 1:3.

Work produced by faith. Labor prompted by love. Endurance inspired by hope.

The theme is coupled with Luke 9:6. “So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere.” The prisons are spread out. We will base out of Kampala, the capitol, and travel hours each day to reach a prison. The reality is enormous. My team and I will be able to reach nearly every imprisoned child in Uganda this year. Over 5,000 children will receive care.

I need your help. This trip will not have the impact it can without it.

You see, I must pay a “fee” to various government officials to take my team into the prisons. The “fees” must be paid to the Ministry of Health all the way down to the warden of each prison. Additionally, I give my local partner organization, Sixty Feet, funds to help feed the children. The government only feeds the children one meal every other day. Sixty feet makes sure the children have at least one meal and clean water every day. I will also be able to serve many children that Sixty Feet has been able to transition out of prison and into half-way houses.

Again, I cannot emphasize the importance of this trip. These broken, beaten, abused, and abandoned children will be served. The impact will be huge and timeless.

Thank you for your help.

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